
Declaring Boldly

When we share the Good News of Jesus with people, we may encounter opposition. In fact, it is quite likely that we will encounter opposition. When Paul and his companions shared the Gospel in Philippi, they were mistreated and persecuted. This is what he told the Thessalonians in 1 Thessalonians 2:1-2 (NLT):
You yourselves know, dear brothers and sisters, that our visit to you was not a failure. 2 You know how badly we had been treated at Philippi just before we came to you and how much we suffered there. Yet our God gave us the courage to declare his Good News to you boldly, in spite of great opposition.
He said that God gave them courage to declare the Good News boldly. As we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ, we need to be praying for courage and boldness. We will face opposition to the message we must share. We have brothers and sisters around the world who face persecution and death on a daily basis just for being followers of Jesus. Persecution will increase worldwide as the day of Jesus’ appearing approaches. Will we still have the courage to declare boldly the message of grace found in God’s Word? Let us prepare ourselves for the opposition that is inevitable so that others will hear and believe.

Jesus Will Return

The Christians of Paul’s day had heard of the faith of the Thessalonian believers. The followers of Jesus there were eagerly anticipating His return from Heaven. Paul told them this in 1 Thessalonians 1:10 (NLT):
And they speak of how you are looking forward to the coming of God’s Son from heaven—Jesus, whom God raised from the dead. He is the one who has rescued us from the terrors of the coming judgment.
It is a fact that Jesus Christ will return to earth. God’s Word describes how He will come in power and glory to take His followers to their eternal home with God. Not only that, but He will also judge the living and the dead. Those found in Christ will be judged not guilty and innocent of all charges. By putting your faith and trust in Jesus for forgiveness and salvation, you are rescued from the eternal consequences of your sins. You are rescued, as Paul says, from the terrors of the judgment that is to come. Those who reject God’s grace will be subject to judgment and will suffer those coming terrors. Let us do all we can to warn those around us about what is to come so that they can not only be rescued from Hell, but that they may experience new life in Christ here on earth.

A Renowned Faith

Paul and his companions were grateful for the Christians living in Thessalonica. They were greeted warmly there, but Paul’s gratitude was more than selfish. He was grateful for their faith and how they turned to God. This is what he told them in 1 Thessalonians 1:8-9 (NLT):
And now the word of the Lord is ringing out from you to people everywhere, even beyond Macedonia and Achaia, for wherever we go we find people telling us about your faith in God. We don’t need to tell them about it, 9 for they keep talking about the wonderful welcome you gave us and how you turned away from idols to serve the living and true God.
The faith of the Thessalonians was more than surface level. It changed them at the deepest spiritual levels. There was such a dramatic shift that it became known everywhere throughout all of the churches. What has God done in your life? Are the people around aware of how God is working in you? May God’s power be so evident in us that we are known as devoted followers of Christ.

God Is Your Provider

The latest message from Griffith First Christian Church in Griffith, Indiana. This is the first message in our series, “Elijah: Standing Alone” and is based on 1 Kings 17.


Faith That Keeps Going

Suffering is a part of life. Everyone suffers along this journey. People of faith suffer, too. Followers of Jesus are not exempt. The Word of God says that in this life we can expect to suffer. Some of it is self-inflicted. Some of it comes from external sources through persecution. Either way, we will suffer. The Thessalonian believers underwent persecution when they put their faith in Christ. This intense persecution did not deter them in their faith and they did not waver from it. This is what Paul said to them in 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 (NIV):
So you received the message with joy from the Holy Spirit in spite of the severe suffering it brought you. In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord. 7 As a result, you have become an example to all the believers in Greece—throughout both Macedonia and Achaia.
After receiving the message of grace with joy, they experienced severe suffering for their faith. They pressed on and kept going. If you are being persecuted for your faith in Jesus, be like the Thessalonians. Keep going and keep pressing on. Don’t give up on Jesus, who also suffered in many ways. Your reward awaits you and it is worth it.

Words And Power

The apostle Paul was grateful for the faith of the Christians in Thessalonica. They grew in faith, hope and love after they received the Good News about Jesus. They believed what Paul and his companions had said because of the witness of Paul, Silas and Timothy and by the testimony of the Holy Spirit. This is what Paul told them in 1 Thessalonians 1:5 (NLT):
For when we brought you the Good News, it was not only with words but also with power, for the Holy Spirit gave you full assurance that what we said was true. And you know of our concern for you from the way we lived when we were with you.
The words of Paul and the powerful testimony of the Spirit worked in conjunction to show the Thessalonians the Truth of the Gospel. In much the same way, when you share the Good News about Jesus with someone, the combination of words and the Spirit’s power are a convincing pair. This is why sharing your story of how God has worked in your life is so powerful. You can tell someone facts about Jesus, but it is when you show how He has worked in your life, it really makes an impact. Think about your story of how far God has brought you today and then be prepared to share it with someone you love.

God Loves You

If you grew up going to church, you may have learned the children’s song, “Jesus Loves Me.” The song begins with the words, “Jesus loves me, this I know…” How do you know that Jesus loves you? “For the Bible tells me so…” That’s what the apostle Paul told the church at Thessalonica in 1 Thessalonians 1:4 (NLT) when he said:
We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people.
Did you hear that? God loves you. Not only that, but He has chosen you to be a part of His family. You are not only loved by God, but you are chosen. God chose you. He picked you. He wanted you. He loves you. He proved His love for you by sending Jesus to die in your place. Jesus loved you enough to suffer and take on your sins so that you could spend forever with Him. He loved you enough to leave the glory of Heaven to come to earth and show you the way home. If you ever doubt the love of God, remember the cross. Remember the Scriptures that tell you of His love for you. Remember that you have been chosen to be a part of the family of God. Yes, my dear friends, Jesus loves you. The Bible tells you so.

Faith, Hope and Love

When you boil down the Christian life to its basic essence, three are three hallmarks of a believer: faith, hope and love. The apostle Paul told the Thessalonians that he was always praying for them with gratitude to God. This is what he said to them in 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 (NLT):
We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. 3 As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul and his companions were thankful for the faithfulness, love and hope that the Christians in Thessalonica displayed. Paul said in 1 Corinthians that faith, hope and love were the things that matter most. In the end, you’ve got to have faith that is lived out. You need to have love that is shown and not just talked about. You also have to have hope that comes from faith in Christ. Without faith, hope and love, you’re not a maturing Christian. Faith in Jesus, love that is demonstrated and hope that is real are at the very core of a follower of Christ. May you be filled with faith, hope and love today as you walk with the Lord.

We Belong To Jesus

The book of 1 Thessalonians is a letter from the apostle Paul and his companions to the church that met at Thessalonica. This was a church that was located in modern day northern Greece. Paul, Silas and Timothy wrote this letter together in the middle of the first century. The letter opens with a typical greeting of the day in 1 Thessalonians 1:1 (NLT):
This letter is from Paul, Silas, and Timothy.
We are writing to the church in Thessalonica, to you who belong to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
May God give you grace and peace.
When we enter into a relationship with God by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not only are our sins forgiven, but we enter into a family of believers. We are all followers of Jesus who not only belong to each other, but we belong to Jesus, too. We become God’s prized possession. First He made us and then He bought us through the blood of His Son. We belong to Jesus and not just for our time on earth, but for eternity, too. May God give you grace and peace today.

The Hero Lives Again

The Easter weekend message from Griffith First Christian Church in Griffith, Indiana. Happy Easter!

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